Nasha Ryaba launched a national campaign so that instead of the traditional chicken "quarter", Ukrainians would pay attention to another product – the chicken drumstick.
We needed to convey through influencers that the chicken drumstick is cooler than the quarter. And, of course, explain why.
In our campaign, we had to show that Nasha Ryaba drumsticks are not just a tasty alternative, but also a "social" product. Because it has 20% more meat than a quarter. Therefore, buying a drumstick is much more profitable.
We decided to take the popular trend from social networks as the basis for integrations and arrange a home "check" of the chicken drumstick . So that bloggers (and with them our TA) see for themselves:
So if "the drumstick saves the hryvnia", then we have here "a good campaign saves the hryvnia of the marketing team"! Because our recipe is to do everything beautifully, cost-effectively and efficiently in all respects.